A short Skype conversation the other day stirred up something in me and I just felt the need to write about it. Last year, through circumstances that I didn't understand or like at first, God brought one of my best friends into my life. He blessed me with the wonderful opportunity to room with Evan Tubbs!!! :) We really didn't know each other very well, but I got to move into 301B in Nutt Hall with her a few weeks into my freshman year! And, not to sound cheesy, but that was our start to a beautiful friendship! haha. 
Also, we discovered that we share a love for a few of our favorite things and people!! One of those people being our dear John Mayer, of course!! Oh yes!! We loooooove our John! How could we not?! He sings our theme song from last year--Free Fallin'! :) And then there's our "Noonday song" by Train, "Hey, Soul Sister"! We always had to listen to this as we made our way through the crazy lunch
hour traffic just to get across the street to the BCM. Not rea
lly sure why we never walked, but we always had fun riding over there together! Oh, and Evan has a hidden talent!She's a crazy awesome rapper! lol. She wrote a couple about Taylor and me one late night during finals week and recorded them so we won't ever forget them. Those are the nights I miss the most...just chillin' in our room, being weird, talking about the most random things, running to Walmart for "a date night with our two favorite guys, Ben and Jerry", watching "The Newleyweds" before bed, having snowballs thrown THROUGH our open window, standing on the beds singing and dancing, cutting the guys' hair, drinking "little hugs", almost killling ourselves as we tried to get up on Evan's lofted bed, doing our dancing workout video, fighting over a certain sweatshirt ;), baking in the kitchen downstairs, and talking for hours before bed! We made so many great memories last year and I will miss that so much this year!! But I am so thankful for last year and that God allowed us to become roommates and best friends! I looooooove you Evan Tubbs!! :)

Evan and I went through a lot together last year. I think I can speak for both of when I say that God knew that we needed each other and He was so gracious to pair us up the way He did. We have so many memories together--some funny, some sweet, and some just plain random! lol. When I first came to school I was shy, unwilling to break out of my shell, and miserable. But you can only be shy for so long with Evan around! haha. She makes things so fun and she was so good to make me go places and get me to do stuff that I wouldn't have done before. She's a big part of that change in me and how I love to meet new people and try new things now!