Saturday, March 26, 2011

Days Like These

Well, this girl is back from a week at the beach and more than ready for some warm weather in Arkansas now! :) I spent five days in Destin with four of my best friends from school! We had a blast. The sun was shining and the water was a perfect turquoise. It was hard to leave the beautiul sunny Florida, but I'm back and so thankful that I got to go.

Days Like These
Jason Aldean
Ain't no cloud up in my sky
I couldn't worry if I tried
I got an open road just air and me
To pick you up and take you for a ride
I got a new shine on my car.
Sun is tannin' my left arm
And while I'm waitin' on the red light
I'm burnin' up a little air guitar
Turn it up a little bit louder
Turn it up I love this sound
Come on girl the world is ours
Let's do somethin' right or wrong
Life is short
Let's go live it
Ain't no time for wastin' time
Days like these they go by way too fast
Days like these you wanna make 'em last
Rest your feet up on the dash
Leave your toe prints on the glass
Sing it like you mean it baby
Close your eyes and lay your head on back
Turn it up a little bit louder
Turn it up I love this song
Come on girl the world is ours
Let's do somethin' right or wrong
Life is short
Let's go live it
Ain't no time for wastin' time
Days like these they go by way too fast
Days like these you wanna make 'em last
Speakers layin' in the truck bed
No this day ain't done yet
'Till the sun goes down
Turn it up a little bit louder
Turn it up I love this song
Come on girl the world is ours
Let's do somethin' right or wrong
Life is short
Let's go live it
Ain't no time for wastin' time
Days like these they go by way too fast
Days like these you wanna make 'em last

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Beautiful Exchange

I don't really have much to say. Just watch this video. Jesus has broken my heart today over my sin and the ugliness of my heart and this song makes me cry every time. Jesus' death on the cross is such a beautiful exchange and it should bring me to my knees in humility daily.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


"When He got into the boat, His disciples followed Him. And behold, there arose a great storm on the sea, so that the boat was being covered with the waves; but Jesus Himself was asleep. And they came to Him and woke Him, saying, 'Save us, Lord; we are perishing!' He said to them, 'Why are you afraid, you men of little faith?' Then He got up and rebuked the winds and the sea, and it became perfectly calm. The men were amazed, and said, 'What kind of a man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey Him?'"
Matthew 8:23-27
This week we studied this passage in our Flame leaders meeting. It's a very familiar passage to me. I've heard it taught countless times since I was little. For some reason it just really impacted me this week. In the past I've read this story and just thought that it was demonstrating God's power and control over this earth. I've only ever thought of it in regards to physical storms. But this week, it hit me that not only does God demonstrate His might and power through calming physical storms; He also calms the "storms" and struggles that we go through in life.

I am just like the disciples saying "Save us, Lord; we are perishing!" The parallel to this story is in Mark 4. In verse 38 they said, "Teacher, do You not care that we are perishing?" This year has had it's fill of storms in my life. Not just things that have happened but also just storms and battles within my heart. I've struggled with doubt, worry, and fear. Before college I never would have used any of those words to define my life. EVER!! I "had it all together" in high school...or I thought I did anyway. So I came here thinking that I was fully capable of making it on my own. But I was so very wrong. I am not capable of anything without my Savior. I didn't realize that I was trying to make it on my own until this week though. So I, just like the disciples, have been wondering why God didn't care that I was failing over and over again and barely keeping my head above the water.

That's just the point though. It's not about me keeping my head above the water. It's not about me trying to survive through the storm. It's about trusting my Savior who controls the storm. He is trying to teach me something through all that happens in my life just like He was teaching the disciples to put their trust in Him. I've been so busy trying to calm the storms on my own that I forgot to look to my Savior who holds not only my life, but all the storms in his hands!

These words keep ringing in my head....."Why are you afraid, you men of little faith?"

On top of that lesson I've been obsessed with the song "Believe" by Hillsong United. We sang it last week in Fuel and I couldn't hold back the tears as I was reminded that God is strong even in my weakness.

"You are my light.
You are my strength.
You are my Rock.
On you I stand.
I lift my voice.
I raise my hands.
I lift my soul with all I am.
In Christ forever I'll stand.

I will believe.
You are strong enough.
In my weakness, God be lifted up.
And I will sing.
Lift Your praises high.
Lord, be magnified.
You make all things new.
I will believe.

So hear this song.
Receive our praise.
You are our strength for all our days.
We lift you up.
Our voices high.
In every storm let God arise.
In Christ forever I'll stand.

I will believe.
You are strong enough.
In my weakness, God be lifted up.
And I will sing.
Lift Your praises high.
Lord, be magnified.
You make all things new.
I will believe."