Wellllllll.....It's that time of year again. Finals week...the week that I get all weepy and sappy and a little bit depressed because I have to say goodbye to everyone for the summer. Except this year is a little different. This year I have friends who are leaving and not coming back next year. Friends who RUINED my plans for having another whole year before we had to do these final goodbyes...really guys??! Kiddingggg...except not really! Ha.
But as much as I make this out to be the worst week of my life and act like the world is coming to an end (yeah, yeah, I know I'm dramatic) it's really been a good week in some ways. I've been giving a lot of thought to these wonderful friendships I have here and the blessings that these friends have been in my life. And as I've been doing that I thought I'd share a little bit about these sweet people I'm going to miss so much!
Love love love her!!! |
Let's start out with the ever so animated Kristina Villines! :) For anyone who knows her, the word "animated" doesn't really do her justice, but it's the closest thing in my mind to describing her! Kristina was one of the first people I met when I came to Tech! Taylor Thompson and I walked over to the Wesley Foundation for Frogappoloza not having ANY clue what we were getting ourselves into! ha. We were a little late so we grabbed some food and sat on the ground beside Kristina Villines. She immediately started talking to us and getting to know us. And that was the beginning of a beeeeeeautiful friendship! Lol. Some of my favorite memories with Kristina include driving to Nebo, windows down, singing "My Heart Will Go On" at the top of our lungs and making sure that everyone within five miles could hear us; cuddling as close as we possible could to each other at the Great Frog Getaway on tiny bunk beds that were pushed together as we almost froze to death; taking our age to age kids to Sonic together; giggling in the back of Ching Zeng's class; the best eyebrow waxing jobs EVER!; being thrown over her shoulders and dropped on my head while trying to take piggy pack pictures; and getting tackled and then nuzzled.....Kristina knows how to give the BEST hugs!! :) You'll always be my little cuddle buddy and the best nuzzler ever! :) Luuuuuv you sis!

Next...Faithyyyyy! Ohhhh Faithy! :) I have had THE best time making memories with Faith Newton throughout this past year! I've known her since freshman year, but for some reason we didn't start hanging out till recently? That was stupid because we were definitely meant to be friends! I literally think I laugh more with Faith that just about anyone. We can just look at each other and die laughing. And I love it! Last semester we went to a concert which brought about my obsession with Eden's Edge. Faith has me hooked on them! Sooo...she can't complain when it's all I want to listen to now! Haha. I love our "feet aren't touching the floor" moments with Rachel and walking around downtown Little Rock (including the Kroger) laughing at everything..even if it wasn't actually all that funny? "Please, remove your aprons before entering the restroom." Lol. And the recent river trips have been memories I'll never forget! "I'm going through the rapiiiiiiiidddsssss!" Let's be honest, I wouldn't be nearly as good at navigating rapids if it wasn't for your expert advice on finding the "V"! I'm so thankful to have gotten to know the sweet, hard-working, loyal, fun-loving Faithy this past year and I will miss her SO much next year! :( Don't forget me in D.C.!!!!!

Oh Torpuppy!! Your turn! hehe. Victoria (Tori) Wehunt....I just wanted to use the full name for effect! lol. I don't actually know if I should start of with something sappy or something funny. Because...let's be honest, we've had plenty of both! Together, the two of us probably produce enough tears to supply all the rivers in Arkansas with enough water to float year round! And we don't even have to be sad! Usually, it's just because of some Khloe and Lamar episode or something like that! Ha. We are "two minds in one body"! All I have to do is look at Tordawg from across the room and I know know exactly what she's thinking and she knows what I'm thinking! We're just good like that! She shares my love for taking pictures, coloring, country music, kids, the animal shelter, snow cones, Sonic happy hour, the lake, and the Kardashians! We've been on too many road trips to count them all--Florida, Passion, Magtown, Harrison....just to name a few! And Tor...you've successfully added Beaches to my list of favorite movies! LOVE! :) Thank you for being a best friend since freshman year!! You're one of the few people who's stuck by this attitude-filled, sassy, mouthy, emotional, obnoxious person that I am! lol. I love you so much and if you don't come down and see me from Fort Smith I WILL grab Kiwi and Jilliann and track you down and I'm sure they will be happy to assist me in yelling at your whiiiiiiile sitting on you and finding your belly button!! Kay? ;)

Last but not least I have to talk about Rach--Rooms, Razzie, Rackel, Squeaky, Sweet Baby Rae Rae! You have a lot of names ya know? lol. This girl has been with me as long as Tordawg and has put up with at least as much of my attitude too! She helps me to pull it together when I'm an emotional baby about the most ridiculous things and she always bears with me during allllll my obnoxious photoshoots! haha. A few words of wisdom from Rach include "It is what it is"..."Bubble!! Get in a bubble!!"...and "STOP APOLOGING!"...just to name a few. We have basically made it through the whole world of Mario together. That's a pretty darn loooong journey! We have been friends long enough for me to watch sweet little Allie grow up...right before my eyes....*sniff*. She used to be a wittle puppy and now she's jumping through hula-hoops over my back! I can't believe it! Rachel's sweet family has basically adopted me and let me visit more times than I can count (mostly because Zac reeeeally likes cookies! Ha). I'm so thankful to you, Rach, for looking past the weirdy, homeschool-ness (lol) and choosing to be my friend anyway! haha. I'm so proud of you for all of your hard work and for making it to D.C.!! I'm gonna miss you like crazy and if you ever decide that you miss Russellville too much and just need to move back, I'll make a spot on the floor of my single in Tucker for a twin-sized air mattress! But do NOT expect me to make room in my closet for you! haha. Kiddinggggg! (kinda.) Looooove you!
As much as I hate these "see ya laters", they are a part of life and something I have to learn to deal with. In the perfect words of Jason Aldean:
"God made this whole world round
And maybe it's that way
So the paths we go down
Yeah, will cross again someday.
See you when I see you
Another place, some other time.
If I ever get down your way,
or you're ever up around mine.
We'll laugh about the old days
And catch up on the new.
I'll see you when I see you.
And I hope it's someday soon."