Camp stretched me in so many ways. It taught me flexibility and the ability to think on the spot, whether that be making up a goofy game to kill 10 minutes of time between the end of an activity and lunch or answering the oh so thought-provoking questions that 9-year-olds ask. It taught me selflessness..that I'm not the only one who is tired and maybe there is another counselor who could really use a little break with the kids in the shade while I take a turn with the kids out on the pond. Through camp I learned to be real. Kids know when you're actually listening to them and when you're just pretending to listen while your mind is otherwise preoccupied. Camp taught me to give my all, to go hard or go home. Don't just walk of the zipline platform, jump off! Backwards!!! (No matter how scared
Not only did I learn so much from the situations, but I learned so much through my fellow counselors. God blessed us with an AMAZING group of people last year! And not only were those people great great great counselors, but they were and still are sweet friends that hold a special place in my heart! God brought us all together for a summer to learn from and help each other, and then sent us back to our homes, schools, and separate towns to take what we learned and share it; to live life better than before.
My bosses were outstanding. John and Alfie Thomas have hearts for the Lord and t
And then there are the kids...oh the kids! My favorite part of it all! They have made me laugh and cry and do both at the same time over and over again! So many of them not only allowed me the opportunity to make an impact in their lives, but they also impacted mine. They have shown me, each in there own little way, a little taste of the kingdom of God and His abounding love! And so many of these kids also came with church groups led by leaders who still, even during the school year, contact me to ask how I'm doing and pray for me! What a blessing!!!
My heart literally cannot express with words the deep love I have for this place and for this ministry.
So why then, am I not going back this summer?
So why then, am I not going back this summer?
Don't get me wrong...I am going to miss camp. I already miss it. And unlike the past years when I was able to hang on knowing that in a few weeks I would be at training, this year I have to keep reminding myself that the void that comes from a lack of camp in my life isn't going to be filled this least not in the same way. My desire is to continue to keep up with the lives of my sweet little kiddos through facebook and the occasional visits. Of course I'll see all the great pictures John always uploads throughout the days in the summer and miss being there. And I'm sure I'll have a meltdown...or two...knowing that I'm missing out on all the fun and the sweet relationships that are being built. But I KNOW that camp will be awesome this year, as always, and that lives will be changed! And while I won't physically be there, camp will always be dear to my heart and something I pray for regularly.
So...this is my little update on life, my summer plans, and why I won't be at camp for those of you who have been wondering. For all of you who will be returning, both counselors and campers, I'll miss you all so much but will also be praying that you have a WONDERFUL time! :)