Friday, December 13, 2013

Kindess Counts

"Kindness has converted more sinners than zeal, eloquence, or learning."
--Frederick William Faber

"Kindness: the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate." 

Such a simple word.  Such a simple definition.  So why is it so difficult for us to act on?  That's what kindness is--an act.  It is buying a meal for the homeless man sitting outside McDonald's.  It is telling someone they look beautiful. It is helping the lady in the grocery store who has too many things and not enough hands to hold them with.  It is tipping your waitress a little extra, because sometimes we all need a little extra.  It is looking for the best in people.  It is encouraging each other. 

It seems as though more often than not, kindness has been lost.  We are so quick to jab each other and bring each other down.  If we aren't talking bad about someone else then what is there to talk about really?  If we aren't complaining something must be wrong.  Why should I give my cab driver a bigger tip than he "deserves" when I'm barely making ends meet?  

But maybe, if we were all willing to help each other out, we'd all be a little better off.  Your smile could turn someone's day around.  Your money could give someone a meal they haven't had in days.  Your words, could give someone the courage to keep going.  

Life is hard.  Whether you are in middle school, high school, college, just recently graduated, mid-thirties, a new grandparent, or in the home stretch--some days are just a struggle.  Some mornings it is hard to get out of bed.  And some nights you can't keep the tears from escaping your eyes as your head hits the pillow.

We have each been given the power to choose to make the world a better place though.  And for those of us who have placed our hope in the Lord, it is not only a choice, but it is our duty.  

We are to choose joy.  Choose love.  Choose kindness.

Often times the words we say could never mean as much as the things we do.  For if we say we love someone, and yet treat them like dirt, do our words really mean anything?  We've all heard that actions speak louder than words and I believe that with my whole heart. 

My heart has been convicted recently that it is not in the right place.  I am too quick to push someone down to make myself look better, to bash someone to sound funny, to yell at someone because I'm frustrated.  Struggle, hurt, frustration, anger, sorrow....none of these give us reason to be unkind.  None of these give us reason to tear others down.  And unkindness will not ultimately fix any of our problems.  It will not ultimately numb our hurt.  It will not ultimately heal our sorrows.  It will not ultimately stifle our anger.  Unkindness will only bring others down with us. 

Goodness knows that I am far from kind.  It is a struggle for me that is deeply rooted in my heart.  It doesn't start with not gossiping.  It doesn't start with not walking past the homeless man.  It doesn't start with giving a generous tip.  

It starts with my heart.

And that is exactly where I have to start if I want to become the kind person that I desire to be. 

This has been a burden on my heart for the last few days and something that I wanted to share as I walk through this struggle and as I learn.  But I am so very confident, that if we all try to do just a little bit more each day, we can "be the change we want to see in the world". 

"Guard well within yourself that treasure, kindness.  Know how to give without hesitation, how to lose without regret, how to acquire without meanness.
--George Sand

Monday, December 9, 2013

Besties for the Resties

Everyone!  This is my best friend, Rachel (If you haven't figured that out already) and today is her 23rd birthday!  She's a special one.  She has been one of the most loyal and constant friends I have ever had and I cannot say enough how thankful I am for that.  

I was a quiet, awkward, and lonely person when we met at Tech and she saw me where I was and brought my personality back out again!  We have had loads of fun together, starting with that first semester of our friendship when she and Tori and I became inseparable.  There have been countless midnight Taco Bell runs, drives around town thinking we were the world's best rappers, late night "lake talks" about everything under the sun, and then there was that time that she and KP nearly made Tori and I wet our pants when they scared us at Locke and Dam in the middle of the night!  We know how to make our own fun, that's for sure.

But more than just a friendship filled with joy and laughter, Rachel has been there through hard times.  Times of struggle and soul searching, times of sadness and loss, and times of frustration and doubt.  We have both been through the loss of our grandpas together and more recently the loss of a dog (which we both know counts as a family member).  She has been one to comfort me when I am sad and tell me when I'm being ridiculous and I need to just chill.  

To anyone who hasn't had the chance or taken the time to really get to know Rachel, you are seriously missing out.  She's a good one.  She is the BEST older sister, a thoughtful grand-daughter, a daughter her parents can so easily be proud of, and the kind of friend everyone can only hope they are blessed enough to have!  She has a heart of gold that is always looking to fill the needs of others.  She can put a smile on your face when you need one.  She sees the simple things in life that so many of us can easily overlook.  She knows how to put her phone down and just be where she is and not worry about the stuff that doesn't matter.  She leads by example and not just words.  And most importantly, she has a solid and profound relationship with our Savior that inspires me to dig deeper and sit at His feet to learn more. I can't say enough good about her. 

Rachel has had such a great impact on my life and I pray that I will be able to take that and pay it forward to others.  Happy Birthday Rachel!  Love you, best friend! 

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Michael Walton Foundation

To any of you who follow me on Facebook or Twitter I have been blowing up your newsfeeds with "The Michael Walton Foundation".  I'm sorry for that...but not really!  Since I have done so much promoting it recently I would like to post on her a little more about the organization and what we are all about!

Michael Walton is a former world class sprinter in the U.S.  In 2002 he wanted to give back to the kids in the Washington D.C. area and that was when the Michael Walton Foundation started to evolve.  Since then it has grown and Michael hosts many events and programs a year for over thousands of students in the D.C. area.  MWF is a non-profit designed to enlighten, expose, and empower youth leaders.

I have the privilege of being the Event Planning and Social Media intern for MWF and it has been an absolute joy thus far!  This is an organization that I am so proud to work for and represent!  Michael is truly a great and humble guy who cares deeply about the future of these kids.  And every person on staff is in this because they feel the exact same way.  This is a chance to reach out to adolescents and teens and not only tell them that they can reach their goals and dreams, but equip them to do so!  MWF aims it's programs towards teaching these kids and empowering them.  We want to make it possible for them to be whatever and go wherever they want when they grow up--because they can!

Right now, we are in the middle of getting ready for our big Silent Auction and Happy Hour Mixer Fundraiser that is coming up December 17th.  We will be having a drinks, dinner, and a silent auction in order to raise the funds we need to grow the organizations and the programs we offer to the kids.

One of the great programs that MWF puts on is the Speak Out to Reach Out Tour.  This is where we go to local schools and have speakers such as Miss America Laura Kaeppeler, former NFL cornerback Leigh Bodden, ESPN sports anchor Jorge Andres, and R&B singer Raheem DeVaughn, give the kids encouragement and advice about their futures!  It is a great way to get the kids involved and listening because they get to here important things from people that they are excited to listen to!

None of the things that MWF does are possible without charitable contributions and donations from people like you!  Your donations give us the ability to do what we do and make a huge impact in the lives of these kids!

If you would like to learn more about MWF and all the programs we put on visit our website at .

OR watch this video:

If you would like to contribute to MWF visit our donation site at

Thank you for taking the time to read this post and learn more about this wonderful organization!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

New Directions

Last week, I bought a book by Dolvett Quince (trainer from The Biggest Loser) about his "diet" called the "3-1-2-1 Diet".  He doesn't like to call it a diet, because really that isn't what it is.  It is a lifestyle.  What we put in our bodies affects how well our bodies perform.  I am trying to refocus my habits and really make small, but good changes that are realistic, but possible.

My first experiments have been with stevia and quinoa.  Still researching how to use stevia when it comes to baking and cooking, but I've already successfully made frozen Greek yogurt with it and used it in smoothies.  Not bad and a little goes a long way!

As far as quinoa goes, I have yet to try it, but am planning to start experimenting tomorrow.  It has definitely become a trend and something that you see everywhere these days.  Until a few days ago, I didn't know how to pronounce it, much less cook it!  After some research though, I've found a few recipes that I think sound delicious.  I'm sharing the links to the blogs with these recipes and I will try to post how they turn out!  Breakfast recipes first!  I'm excited. :)

Quinoa Sweet Potato Breakfast Bake:

Quinoa Omlette Bites:

Apple Cinnamon Quinoa Bites:

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Back to the Mountain

Here we go again...another new adventure.

Yesterday, Nanee had a much needed knee replacement surgery.  It might even be my fault a little that she went through with it because when I lived with her and Papa I made her go to the doctor against her will and told her the surgery would be better in the long run.  It went well, was finished in an hour, and she got to go home today!

While she was in surgery Papa said that he would pay me to come home and take care of her for two weeks because she is going to require a lot of one on one care and rides to therapy every day.  With my experience working at RVT they would both be more comfortable having someone there who knows what this recovery looks like.  And obviously, Nanee and I are very close so it would be two weeks that we could spend together.

After a lot of pros/cons list making and phone calls I decided to go.  Thankfully, I intern for an awesome organization, The Michael Walton Foundation, that is going to allow me to work for them through email and phone calls.  So, for two weeks I will be heading back to the mountain to help out and then move back to D.C. to continue my work with MWF.

I'm actually a little sad to be leaving the city again for these two weeks, but I know this is what I need to do and where I need to be right now.  What an opportunity to be there for two of the people who have impacted my life most.  They provided me with a home this summer.  Nanee writes and calls me every week.  And they have both supported me in everything I have done.  I could not be more grateful to them and I can never repay them the love they have shown me, but I am so thrilled for this opportunity to spend time with them.


Last week I FINALLY got to share all the surprises I had been planning for a month!  Rachel found some awesomely cheap flights to Arkansas the weekend of Halloween, which also happens to be a favorite holiday and THE prettiest time of year in Arkansas.  So we flew home together on Wednesday night and Zac picked her up and Allison and Lily got me.  Allison was the only one in my family who knew I was coming and we were both DYING inside to tell everyone!

Lily was my first surprise.  She was told that they were picking up tickets for a trip Allison is going on later and to watch for a man who would come and bring them the tickets.  I got in around 10:30 that night and it was a struggle to even keep Lily awake that long, but when she saw me she got a sudden burst of energy!  She saw me and I hid behind a pole, but after seeing Rachel she said "Mom, that WAS Katie!"   She then hit Allison and said "I don't even like you!" and then ran to hug me.  It was a very sweet reunion.

The three of us then headed to my parents house and surprised them and the boys.  Lily and I stayed in the car and Allison brought them outside telling them Lily had a surprise.  I jumped out from behind the car and said "Trick or Treat!"  John Michael immediately hugged me and mom just stood there speechless (If you know her you know that never happens!).  After hugs and laughing we went inside and I had to surprise Stephen after he got out of the shower.  Bless him. Lol.

The next day, Allison got Claire and Rebekah to agree to come to Nanee and Papa's because Lily wanted them to see her costume when she trick or treated their house.  Claire and Blake were there when we got there, but Becks was running behind.  I was dressed in all black clothes with a black hooded cape and a mask.  We walked up to the porch and no one really noticed me at first.  Then, Claire asked who I was and all of a sudden realized it.  She didn't say anything but covered her mouth with her hand and started crying.  After Nanee tried to figure out who I was, I took my mask off.  Her reply?  "KATIE!  Oh my garsh!!"  Classic Nanee.  We sat around on the porch until Becks got there.  When she walked around to the porch I was dressed up with the bowl of candy in my lap.  Everyone tried to get her to grab some and she wouldn't.  Again, I removed my mask to surprise her!  The surprises were officially all out at that point!

We spent the next few days on the mountain, watching Avery play his last Jr. High football game and first Sr. High game, hammocking, and seeing friends.

On Saturday, I went up to Harrison for the annual Mouser Family Halloween Party!  We dressed up as the Billings and the Billings dressed up as the Mousers.  We couldn't have planned that better if we had tried.  I think it's safe to say we all know each other WAY too well!  It was such a blessing to get to go to church at FCC again and spend time with friends and Nana!! After an afternoon taking pictures at Maplewood we drove to Conway to spend the night with Jamie and Em before flying out Monday.

And we will just leave out the story about the flight.  Let's just say 5 hours of waiting in the Little Rock Airport and a complimentary $75 E-Certificate for United Airlines later, we rolled into our apartment at 12:30 a.m.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Corn, Carvings, and Crunchy Leaves

This Saturday (10/20/13) Rachel, Meredith, and I took a little jaunt to Frederick, Maryland to frolic through fields of corn and pumpkins.  Ultimately, there was a little less frolicking and a little more wandering, but it was a wonderful FALL afternoon!  The air was crisp and the leaves were crunchy....just a couple of my favorite characteristics of fall.

We started the afternoon going through a 6 acre corn maze.  At the ticket booth we were all given a piece of paper to stamp at the mailbox stations that we found throughout the maze and each stamp was one of 12 pieces to a map.  The idea was that after we had found each mailbox we would have a complete map of the maze to help us find our way out.  I was confident going into it that it would be challenging, but that we were all smart enough to figure it out together!  Well...a solid hour and a half later, we had 9 of our 12 stamps and decided we didn't even care to find the rest; we just wanted to find the exit!  And eventually we ended up making our way back out the entrance.  Let's just say that maybe corn mazes are more fun as a kid.  I might be lacking in the patience department.  Ha.

After making it back to the barn we hopped on a tractor pulled wagon ride that dropped us off in the middle of the pumpkin patch.  There were soooo many pumpkins--baby ones, big ones, orange ones, white ones.  We took our sweet time to pick the PERFECT pumpkins and then had a mini photo shoot with our fabulous finds.  Then we hopped back on the wagon, paid for our pumpkins, and then headed back to DC, but not before stopping for a long awaited dinner at Chili's! 

What a happy fall weekend!