"Kindness has converted more sinners than zeal, eloquence, or learning."
--Frederick William Faber
"Kindness: the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate."
Such a simple word. Such a simple definition. So why is it so difficult for us to act on? That's what kindness is--an act. It is buying a meal for the homeless man sitting outside McDonald's. It is telling someone they look beautiful. It is helping the lady in the grocery store who has too many things and not enough hands to hold them with. It is tipping your waitress a little extra, because sometimes we all need a little extra. It is looking for the best in people. It is encouraging each other.
It seems as though more often than not, kindness has been lost. We are so quick to jab each other and bring each other down. If we aren't talking bad about someone else then what is there to talk about really? If we aren't complaining something must be wrong. Why should I give my cab driver a bigger tip than he "deserves" when I'm barely making ends meet?
But maybe, if we were all willing to help each other out, we'd all be a little better off. Your smile could turn someone's day around. Your money could give someone a meal they haven't had in days. Your words, could give someone the courage to keep going.
Life is hard. Whether you are in middle school, high school, college, just recently graduated, mid-thirties, a new grandparent, or in the home stretch--some days are just a struggle. Some mornings it is hard to get out of bed. And some nights you can't keep the tears from escaping your eyes as your head hits the pillow.
We have each been given the power to choose to make the world a better place though. And for those of us who have placed our hope in the Lord, it is not only a choice, but it is our duty.
We are to choose joy. Choose love. Choose kindness.
Often times the words we say could never mean as much as the things we do. For if we say we love someone, and yet treat them like dirt, do our words really mean anything? We've all heard that actions speak louder than words and I believe that with my whole heart.
My heart has been convicted recently that it is not in the right place. I am too quick to push someone down to make myself look better, to bash someone to sound funny, to yell at someone because I'm frustrated. Struggle, hurt, frustration, anger, sorrow....none of these give us reason to be unkind. None of these give us reason to tear others down. And unkindness will not ultimately fix any of our problems. It will not ultimately numb our hurt. It will not ultimately heal our sorrows. It will not ultimately stifle our anger. Unkindness will only bring others down with us.
Goodness knows that I am far from kind. It is a struggle for me that is deeply rooted in my heart. It doesn't start with not gossiping. It doesn't start with not walking past the homeless man. It doesn't start with giving a generous tip.
It starts with my heart.
And that is exactly where I have to start if I want to become the kind person that I desire to be.
This has been a burden on my heart for the last few days and something that I wanted to share as I walk through this struggle and as I learn. But I am so very confident, that if we all try to do just a little bit more each day, we can "be the change we want to see in the world".
"Guard well within yourself that treasure, kindness. Know how to give without hesitation, how to lose without regret, how to acquire without meanness.
--George Sand
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