Wednesday, September 22, 2010

In Love With the Savior

If you haven't noticed, a lot of my posts have been about sharing the gospel and being passionate about it and living out what we say we believe. It has definitely been on my heart. But there's a new thought that God's put in my heart recently. Why is it so hard to make sharing the gospel a regular thing? Why do I have to try so hard to make it a part of my day or to even remember to do it? If we truly love Christ as our Lord and Savior for what He has done for us shouldn't we want to talk about it all of the time?

Francis Chan says, " When you are truly in love, you go to great lengths to be with the one you love. You'll drive for hours to be together, even if it's only for a short while. You don't mind staying up late to talk. Walking in the rain is romantic, not annoying. You'll willingly spend a small fortune on the one you're crazy about. When you are apart from each other, it's painful, even miserable. He or she is all you think about; you jump at any chance to be together."

That really hit me hard! I should be deeply in love with Christ! When you are deeply in love with someone (not that I speak from experience) you want to be with them all the time. And when you aren't with them you think about them all the time. And you want to tell all your friends and the people around you about that person and how much they mean to you. You want to write them letters and talk to them. You want to hear what they have to say. God loves us deeply and wants to be with us, but do we return that love and that desire to be with Him always? That love and that passion comes from getting to know Him and the sacrifice He made for us. The more time you spend with someone that is special to you the more you come to love them. The more you learn about someone and the more you get to know their heart, the more they mean to you. God is the same way!!! I know it isn't hard for me to spend time with my family and friends. I love them and want to be them as often as possible. I want to know them inside and out. I want to tell everyone about them and what they mean to me. So why am I not that way with Christ? I'm spending more time in His Word each day and more time talking with Him and the more I do those things the more I want to do those things! I'm learning to fall in love with my Savior!

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