I am allllllmmmmooooossssttt PACKED!!!! :)))) Yay for being SO close to finishing this daunting task that has taken me all last night and most of this day simply because I get too distracted (possibly on purpose :P) or frustrated!! lol. I reeeeally do hate to pack! :) The shopping might have been worse though. Really close call! haha. Nnnnnnyway, I took a little break from that to eat dinner with the fam, then went to walmart to purchase ice cream (for sundays later) and iTuuuuuuunes cards so I could get movies for the plane! Upon returning from Wally World I proceeded to spend my iTunes money on Dear John, The Proposal, and The Parent Trap (the one with LL of course!). All favorites of mine that I cannot wait to watch over and over again! haha. Then..I tried to go back to packing and...made a little more progress? I think anyway...
Then came the wondeful WONDERFUL fun stuff! Cal came over and we played Boxers or Briefs with the fam! If you've never had the opportunity to play this game you HAVE to!! It really is a MUST PLAY! I love it so so much. At one point Stephen cracked up and we laughed till we cried. Great fun! Then we ended the night with Bluebell ice cream and homemade hot fudge sundays (I made the fudge btw..I'm getting pretty good at making that stuff if I do say so myself!) lol. It was a delightful last night at home before "the end of Christmas break". And now I'm baking some last minute chocolate chip oatmeal cookies (my FAVORITE) to put away in my carry-on for safe keeping and an emergency snack break! :) Yes yes yes...couldn't resist! haha. Cal is spending the night and we plan to play a little Just Dance 2 later! It shall be a jolly good time! Got a loooooooong way to go before my night is over! ;) I shall try to post once more in the morning (or maybe even again tonight)! But for now.........hasta luego!! (That's "talk to you later" in Spanish for anyone who doesn't know!)
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