Friday, September 9, 2011

Just Passing Through...

A few days ago I was driving to the next place on my list of places to go for the day, I was just going through my day doing my list of things to do and floating through life without really thinking...just usual.

Then I came to a stop light....

As I was sitting there watching the cars go through the intersection and pass me by I was overwhelmed with the realization of how big the world is. I am one person. With one agenda. Living one life. But all around me there are other people doing the same. The guy in the red four door Ford F-150 was one person, with one agenda, living one life. The mom with the two kids in the white Honda CR-V was one person, with one (or maybe a few) agenda(s), living one life. The teenage boy in the black Ford Mustang was one boy, with one agenda, living one life.

I'm sure you're thinking, "Wow, Katie....You're a smart one. Glad you caught on to that..." I realize it seems so simple. Duhh...we are all living life. We all have things to do and places to be. But for some reason, as I sat there, God used that still moment to quiet my mind and just give me this awakening that, "Hey Katie...there's more to life than just YOU! I have plans for every person on this earth. I have a purpose for everyone here. Together you are all a part of my world and what I have created. There is such a bigger picture than just you and you're missing it." seems so simple, but how often do I forget this? I seem to think that life revolves around me. But it doesn't.

I feel the Lord challenging me to search seek look for opportunities to help or encourage look beyond myself...and to pursue life passionately. I'm tired of just passing through. I don't want to leave this earth and not be remembered. I want to make a difference. Not for my name but for His. This has really been on my heart and my prayer is that I God will give me wisdom to know when and where He wants me to be, eyes to see those who I need to come in contact with, ears to hear His voice, words to encourage, and the strength and desires to follow through.

Life is short.

We aren't guaranteed tomorrow.

Your next breath could be your last.

Love deeply and live passionately.

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