Wednesday, January 19, 2011


I literally have five minutes till I have to leave for class, but I wanted to share what God's laid on my heart this morning. Laura and I got up and went running for the first time this semester. It was cold, I was tired, and I didn't want to get out of bed! But it was worth it!!! We alternated walking and jogging and made it the full 30 minutes and we didn't freeze to death. Running is one of those things that I never want to do and it's a battle to get myself to go. I know it's good for me and I'll feel so much better if I do it. I know it's in my best interest. But I always think I'm going to hate it and I dread doing it, and then after I finish I always wonder why I dread it so much. It's never as bad as I work it up to be in my head and I always feel amazing when I finish!
After running and breakfast I came back to my room and spent a some time in the Word. I read Proverbs 19 and it talks multiple times about discipline.
Verse 16--"He who keeps the commandment keeps his sold, but he who is careless of conduct will die."
Verse 20--"LIsten to counsel and accept discipline, that you may be wise the rest of your days."
Verse 27--"Cease listening, my son, to discipline, and you will stray from the words of knowledge."
In the same way that I have to be disciplined to run I need to be disciplined with school and spending time in the word and being a good friend and family member and spending money. Discipline applies to every aspect of my life and it's something I'm NOT good at!! But God's Word speaks directly about it, so I'm making it a goal of mine to become more disciplined in every area of my life this semester.
God, teach me to be disciplined!!

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